
MT7500 Darkfield Series Metallurgical with Reflected Light

Meiji Techno’s MT7500 Series upright Brightfield/Darkfield incident light metallurgical microscope line is a cost-effective microscope employs all new and improved Plan Episcopacy optical system.

Meiji Techno’s upright Brightfield/Darkfield incident light metallurgical microscope line is a cost-effective microscope. The MT7500 Series employs all new and improved Plan Episcopic optical system. Meiji Techno’s ICOS™ (Infinity Corrected Optical System) makes the observation and evaluation of metallurgical specimens fast and easy while delivering an excellent cost-to-performance ratio.


  • Eyepieces: Super Widefield 1QX, High Eyepoint Eyepieces, FN 22 as standard
  • Viewing head: The MT7500 Series Metallurgical microscopes is equipped with either Siedenlopl type binocular or Siedentopl type trinocular viewing head inclined at 30˚ and rotatable through 360˚ for comfortable viewing. Optional tilting ergonomic binocular head - adjustable vertically from 10˚ to 50˚ is available.
  • Nosepiece: Smooth Operating Ergonomic Quintuple Nosepiece with mounting threads of 26.0mm.
  • Objectives: Infinity corrected, Planachromal EPI Objectives, Plan EPI 5X10.10, W.O. 20.0mm, Plan EPI 0X/0.25, W.D. 7.48mm. Plan EPI 20XI0.40, W.O. 5.20mm, Plan EPI 50X/0.75, W.O. 0.38mm.
  • Stage: Ceramic coated, flat-top stage, 191mm x 126mm with 100mm x 100mm travel. Equipped with precision ball bearing guides and low positioned drop down coaxial controls for X-Y movement.
  • Illuminator: Vertical illuminator with full Koehler design equipped with 12V 50W Halogen light source, field iris, aperture iris and filter slots. Capable of brightfield, darkfield, or simpte reflected polarization technique.
    Includes blue clear, Green clear, Neutral density (ND 50) filters in mounts. Automatic voltage (100V - 240V) sensing power supply and variable rheostat control are built in the microscope base.
  • Focusing Controls: Ergonomically low positioned focusing controls allow the operator to work their forearms relaxed on the working surface. Range of travel is 23mm. Rotation of fine locus is 0.2mm per revolution.
  • Footprint: 263mm(D) x 176mm(W)
Product Description
MT7520H Binocular brightfield/darkfield metallurgical microscope, SWH10X eyepieces FN22, Plan Epi BD 5X, 10X, 20X & 50X objectives, Flat-top stage, 12V 50W vertical Koehler halogen illuminator.
MT7530H Trinocular brightfield/darkfield metallurgical microscope 1x ‘C’ mount & phototube, SWH10X eyepieces FN22, Plan Epi BD 5X, 10X, 20X & 50X objectives, flat-top stage, 12V 50W vertical Koehler halogen illuminator.